Vi startet kvelden med mat, mingling og hygge hos vår egen stampub Café Amsterdam. Deretter vi tok heisen opp til våre lokaler i 6 etasje.
Vi hadde rigget våre lokaler til foredragsmodus for å få plass til alle påmeldte, som bestod av en god blanding av egne ansatte og eksterne deltagere fra kunder og konkurrenter.
Kveldens agenda:
- 16:45 - 17:00 – Welcome drink at Cafe Amsterdam on first floor
- 17:00 - 18:20 – Finger food and tapas with drinks at Cafe Amsterdam
- 18:20 - 18:30 – We move up to our location on the 6th floor
- 18:30 – 18:45 – Azure Event Hub w/Steinar Dahl
- 18:45 – 19:00 – Google Firebase w/Snorre Garmann
- 19:00 – 19:30 – Mingling
- 19:30 - 20:30 - Azure disaster recovery w/Evgeny Borzenin
- 20:30 - 23:00 – Mingling with drinks and snacks at our location
Faglig innhold:
Lightning talk 1 – Steinar Dahl
Azure Event Hubs - Conceptual overview and lessons learned from real world use at Vipps in a mission-critical security context. You will learn about how it works and how it differs from traditional message queues/topics and Azure Event Grid.
Lightning talk 2 – Snorre Garmann
An introduction to Googles Firebase stack, with Angular frontend and firestore data storage. You will learn about key concepts such as data manipulation, deployment and security and see a live solution.
Main Talk – Evgeny Borzenin
This talk will be a mix of introduction and and real-world experience from Vipps. You will learn about what disaster recovery is and what options there are. Vipps is using Azure, so most of the techniques are focused on using cloud-solutions and services from Azure. Evgeny has been helping Vipps with this during the last year and has gained valuable insight he will share.• Get an overview of what disaster recovery is• Options for setting up disaster recovery• Learn how on-prem and cloud differs• Get to know some of the commonly used services in Azure and how they can be used in a disaster recovery scenario• See how Vipps have set up their disaster recovery• Learn about the challenges faced• Tips and tricks / Lessons learned
Takk til alle som bidro med faglig innhold og takk til alle som tok en tur og lagde en hyggelig ramme. Det ble også god tid til mingling og hygge etter fagdelen. Ryktene sier at det ble midnatt før de siste kastet inn håndkleet.