Yesterday Evgeny held workshop about "Automate workload provisioning with Bicep, PowerShell andAzure DevOps" under his "Infrastructure as Code user group"

This time they focused on workload provisioning with Bicep, PowerShell and Azure DevOps and learned:
· What is Azure Service Principal, how to create it and how to properly scope its RBAC permissions for your workload
· How to use az devops extension to automate Azure DevOps operations
· What strategies are available to implement IaC for multi-environment workloads
As always, labs are available and you are welcome to work with them.
Here is IaC workshops road-map for 2023:
· Azure API Management 101
· Azure Networking 101
· AKS Workshop #7 - AKS security
· AKS Workshop #8 - Service mesh with linkerd
Don’t miss any upcoming workshops and join Infrastructure as Code user group!
You can also check Evgeny's previous workshops here