Vi kommer til å gi teasers, noen oppsummeringer/highlights, vise noenteasers og prate litt om hva vi likte.

Her er foredragene som det blir lagt vekt på:

* Why software architects fail – and what to do about it

  • Stefan Tilkov

* Cultivating Architecture 

  • Martin Fowler & Birgitta Böckeler

* Leadership Guide for the Reluctant Leader 

  • David Neal

* Breaking Codes, Building Jets, and Designing Teams 

  • Randy Shoup 

*   Learning from Machines

  • Ashi Krishnan

* Quantum computing

  • Holly Cummins

* Cultivating Instinct 

  • Katrina Owen

* State of theArt User Interfaces with State Machines  

  • David Khourshid

* Continuous Experimentation 

  • Mike Roberts

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