Welcome to the third workshop in the series of hands-on Infrastructure as Code workshops!. This time it was about #Pulumi - an open source infrastructure as code tool for creating, deploying, and managing cloud infrastructure.
The goals for this workshop was:
- Get started with Pulumi on Azure
- Learn Pulumi concepts like projects, state, stacks, outputs
- Learn how to use Azure services like Storage Account and Key Vault to self-manage the state and secrets management
- Learn how to adopt existing infrastructure into Pulumi
- 17:05 - 17:10 - welcome + practical info
- 17:10 - 17:15 - MS Azure Badges
- Infrastructure as Code + Pulumi intro (slides - 15 min)
- lab-01 - Pulumi basics (15 min)
- lab-02 - working with Stacks (15 min)
- lab-03 - working with Stack Outputs (15 min)
- Pause
- State and Backends (slides - 10 min)
- lab-04 - persisting state at Azure Storage Account (15 min)
- lab-05 - working with configuration and secrets (15-20 min)
- lab-06 - managing secrets with Azure Key-Vault (15 min)
- Adopting Pulumi (slides - 5-10 min)
- Pause
- lab-07 - import existing resources (15 min)
- lab-08 - working with inter-stack dependencies (20 min)
- What's new in Pulumi (slides - 5-10 min)
- QA
8 labs, 20 awesome participants, 4 hours hands-on!
All labs are available and you are welcome to try them, here.
Next in the pipeline for 2020:
* 21 October - Introduction to Farmer with Sven Malvik and Stepping up the game with ARM templates with David Pazdera ☁️
* 27 October - Workshop 4: Implement immutable infrastructure on Azure with #Pulumi - Part II
* November 2020 - Workshop 5: Terraform 101
* December 2020 - Workshop 6: Implementing Immutable Infrastructure on Azure with Terraform