Yesterday Evgeny held the fourth Infrastructure as Code workshop.
This time the focus was to implement immutable infrastructure on Azure with Pulumi.
8 labs, super awesome participants, 4 hours of pure hands-on fun.
As always, labs are available here and you are very much welcome to try them.
- lab-01 - setting up the Projects and Stacks structure
- lab-02 - add AppInsight into the base Project
- lab-03 - implement simple Azure Function
- lab-04 - add Azure Function infrastructure into the workload Project
- Azure Front Door intro
- lab-05 - add Azure Front Door infrastructure into the base Project
- lab-06 - implement master deployment script
- CI/CD with Azure DevOps
- lab-07 - create Azure DevOps release pipeline
#devops #infrastructureascode #pulumi #immutableinfrastructure #azure